PM Netanyahu : My heart is with Shalit, family.

PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting

June 27, 2010

“Friday marked the fourth anniversary of the abduction of Gilad Shalit.  The Government and the security services are continuing to make constant and varied – open and secret – efforts to bring Gilad Shalit back home safe and sound.

This morning, I phoned Gilad’s father Noam.  I invited him to meet with me, along with the rest of his family, immediately after the march reaches Jerusalem.  I told him, “I know Noam that you are on a long journey, which will end in Jerusalem.  I want to see you. I would be glad to meet with you.”  This will not be the first meeting.  Of course, I have spoken with him many times.  Recently, I also spoke with Gilad’s very impressive grandfather, Tzvi Shalit.

Our heart is with Gilad and with his family.  Four years after his abduction, I call on the international community to line up alongside the State of Israel and our unequivocal and just demand that our abducted soldier be returned immediately.”